

Welcome to the LetMeKnow API! You can use our API to automate your feedback processes and thus get more out of LetMeKnow service.

API contains now the following basic functions:

  1. Create survey for a user
  2. Send emails to survey’s respondees
  3. Get ratings (1-5) for surveys for a specific period


LetMeKnow uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new LetMeKnow API key by contacting the support LetMeKnow support.

LetMeKnow expects for the API key and user’s account id (email) to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: 12345abcde


Create survey

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: meowmeowmeow"
  -H "X-Email:"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -X POST -d '{
   "subject" : "Sales meeting on 22.11.2015",
   "question" : "Please rate our sales person N.N on your meeting on 22nd November",
   "question2": "Give us further ideas",
   "start_date" : "2015-11-22",
   "end_date" : "2015-12-22",
   "email_topic" : "Please rate our sales person N.N",
   "email_text" : "<p>Hello</p> We would appreciate your feedback about our performance. </br> Please answer to survey linked in this email.</br> BR, Company X Sales lead",
   "internal_ref" : "",
   "surveytype" : "rating",
   "sendreminder": "true",
   "picturepath": "",
   "locale": "en",   
   "respondees_attributes" :
    {"name" : "Salesperson Example", 
     "email" : "",
     "_destroy" : "false"

The above command returns HTTP status 200 and JSON structured like this:

"subject":"Sales meeting on 22.11.2015",
"question":"Please rate our sales person",
"question2" : "Give us further ideas",
"email_topic":"Please rate our sales person",
"email_text":"\u003cp\u003eHello\u003c/p\u003e We would appreciate your feedback about our performance. \u003c/br\u003e Please answer to survey linked in this email.\u003c/br\u003e BR, Company X Sales lead",
"sendreminder": "true",
"picturepath": "",
"locale": "en"  

or in error proper HTTP status code and JSON:

  "message": "some error message"

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type, M/O/C Description
identification String, optional Unique identification of survey. Can be left blank, and will then be generated.
subject String, mandatory Summary of survey. Shown to respondee.
question String, mandatory Detaild question of survey. Shown to respondee.
start_date Date, YYYY-MM-DD, mandatory Survey’s activation date.
end_date Date, YYYY-MM-DD, mandatory Survey’s closing date, inclusive.
email_topic String, optional Topic in email that is sent to respondee.
email_text String, optional Text in email that is sent to respondee. Can include html tags for line breaks and paragraphs etc.
internal_ref String, optional Reference for sender’s system or later querying of results.
surveytype rating, rating_2_q, null; optional Type of survey. If rating, respondee has to rate on scale 1-5 and can give free format comments. If rating_2_q, then survey has rating and two free format questions. If null, respondee has only free format comments.
sendreminder Boolean, optional Defines whether a reminder email is sent to respondees 3 days after first email. This doesn’t take into account who of the respondees have answered, it’s sent to everyone.
locale String, optional Language of survey’s response page; labels that the respondee sees when answering. ISO language codes are used, except Norwegian is “nor” instead of “no”.
picturepath String, optional Image path for survey. If image path is set, the image is used on response page when respondee answers to survey. Note that if image is set through UI, it overrides this imagepath image. String, optional Id of respondee, starting from 0. N respondees can be given. String, optional Full name of respondee String, optional Email of respondee String, mandatory Default attribute, set to “false” when using API. Can be later used for updating.

Send emails

This endpoint sends emails to the respondees of survey identified by ‘survey_id’

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: meowmeowmeow"
  -H "X-Email:"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -X POST -d '
        "survey_id": "hHm9Zw"

The above command returns HTTP status 200 and JSON structured like this:

  "success": "true"

or in error proper HTTP status code and JSON:

  "success": "false",
  "message": "some error message"

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

Parameter Type, M/O/C Description
survey_id String, mandatory The ID of the survey

Return survey ratings

This endpoint returns survey results for the given time period and given internal reference. Also the count of surveys during the given period is returned.

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: meowmeowmeow"
  -H "X-Email:"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -X POST -d '
        "internal_ref": "",

The above command returns HTTP status 200 and JSON structured like this:


or in error proper HTTP status code and JSON:

  "message": "some error message"

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

Parameter Type, M/O/C Description
internal_ref String, mandatory The internal reference of survey, from source systems
start_date Date, YYYY-MM-DD, mandatory Result period start date
end_date Date, YYYY-MM-DD, mandatory Result period end date


Error code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request is not correct
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – Not allowed to access
404 Not Found – The specified entity could not be found
422 Cannot be processed – Request was ok, but cannot be processed.
500 Internal Server Error – Technical error